Tuesday, March 22, 2016

What is Water and Why is it Good for You?

Go Ahead, Drink Up

Lets face it, water is life.  Almost everything on Earth needs it to survive especially humans.  Humans require a lot of water to survive.  Farm animals such as cows need the most out of any animal.  Whenever someone goes on a diet or wants to be healthier, the same advice is given which is "drink more water."  Since there is no reason for a normally healthy person not to drink water than this isn't bad advice. Some people will claim that you can drink to much water and run the risk of death.  This is shockingly true but would require someone to drink non-stop for several days while trying not to urinate.  This is very difficult to do.

What is Water and Why Do You Need It

Water is a simply built substance.  A single molecule has two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen.  It is completely unique in the way it acts in liquid and other forms.  Water molecules have three different forces acting to keep it together.  It is lighter than water in solid form because it forms crystalline structures which allows spaces for air.  Water is the most dense at 4 C.  Water is also unique in that it can skip phase changes by going from gas directly to solid as in water vapour to frost.

Current nutritional guidelines state that people should have 7-8 glasses of water per day.  This seems like a lot to drink but this also includes water obtained from food and other drinks.  If you exercise regularly than drinking plenty of water in very important.  Staying hydrated will keep your body cool through sweat evaporation.  It will also reduce muscle cramps by diluting the electrolytes in your muscles such as potassium and salt. Kidneys eliminate many different toxins from your body by using the excess water in your body and turning it into urine.


Pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine. ~Slovakian Proverb

How to Get More Water in Your System

Many people find drinking a lot of water for a sustained period of time to be tiring.  Water tastes bland, especially tap water which also has added chemicals.  Here are some ways to to get more water into your system without having to force yourself to drink it.

Get a Filtration System
Either one attached to your tap or one that uses a separate pitcher with a filter.  Clean water will always taste better.  The difference between filtered and regular tap water will surprise you.

Keep it Cold
Every animal including humans prefer cold water over warm.  Keep a jug in the refrigerator at all times with or without ice.  It will be colder than the coldest tap water and your wont have to wait for it to cool down from the tap. 

Add Flavouring
Find a flavouring that has zero sugar in it.  If your don't like artificial sweeteners than you can use lemon, lime, cucumber, mint or almost anything else you want.

Drink Sparkling or Mineral Water
Carbonated water will taste better and go down easier.  It will make your feel like you are drinking something other than water.  It also goes better with a meal.

Sip Water Regularly During Meals
Don't wait until the end of your meal to drink some water.  Do it several time during the meal.  This will help you eat slower and also make you feel fuller.

Keep a Bottle with You at All Times
Whenever your feel thirsty you can go to your water bottle and don't have to wait to find a water source.

Dilute Sugary Drinks
Fruit juices and sports drinks have a high sugar content.  Use some water to dilute the drinks at a one to one ratio.  This will allow you to drink more water and half the sugar.

Be Respectful

One other thing to bear in mind is to not be selfish or wasteful when it comes to water.  Water is so important to every living thing that it is extremely important to preserve and to keep natural sources clean.  Don't pollute your local rivers and lakes by littering or contaminating them with waste or chemicals.  When you are at home, don't leave your faucet running unnecessarily or leave your garden hose on all day.

The better everyone can preserve water the better it will be when you really need it.


Filthy water cannot be washed. ~African Proverb

Final Words

Water is the single most important resource for humans and it always has been.  It is generally considered that more water is better for your health.  Even-though most sources of tap water are considered to be "safe" to drink, it can always be better.  When someone has made the decision to drink a greater amount of water then it is also important to have the best water possible.  So, drink more but make sure its the best you can make it and you will be much happier for it.

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