
  This page may be updated infrequently but it will be with stuff that I am doing in my personal   life that may be of interest to readers.  While interesting it wont require a separate article.  Of   course, site changes of any substance will appear here too.

March 15, 2018

Wow, Its been a long time since I've written anything here.  Unfortunately my health has not been good but i'm trying hard to get better.  I realize that doing this website to part of the process so i'm going to put more effort behind it.

I've been toying with the idea of putting some articles in audio format, that way I can expand of them more and because I've been podcasting a lot with some friends which is doing well.  I encourage everyone to go have a listen and comment or send questions.

Ultimate Gravity Show Podcast

July 22, 2016

Ok, I've been terrible at updating this section and lately terrible at updating the main site.  I have a bunch of articles that I'm working on but I have taken on another hobby that is occupying most of my time.  I've been making custom furniture and its very time consuming but also very rewarding.  I'll work on some before and after shots and throw a few up in this section in the next few days.

If you want to ask me questions about it you can email the site using email found in the "Contact" section.

And of course a small reward for reading this entry.  From the movie Ip Man 3. Ip Man vs. Mike Tyson. Here

October 8, 2015

I'm getting a good amount of views on the website and I thank everyone who are reading the articles but if you have the time please hit the like button on facebook or follow on twitter and instagram which is just getting going, it would help a lot.

Facebook: Be The Man Of Tomorrow
Twitter: @betomorrowsman
Instagram: @bethemanoftomorrow

Here is a small reward for the ones that clicked the links Here.  Some very cool oldschool How To's.

September 9, 2015

Lack of new articles is probably apparent to everyone and I apologize.  I have spent the last two weeks moving to a new home and dealing with health issues.  Also, I'm the only one currently writing these articles which takes time.  Despite what some may think I actually do a lot of research for each one so don't think I'm just some "know it all".

I have also been busy retooling some older articles that I wasn't completely happy with which get posted to twitter when I'm done and I'll be looking soon to get my own domain.

Whenever I update this section I feel as though I should reward people who take the time to read it, so here is a link to a recipe for Ernest Hemingway's favourite hamburger recipe.

August 11, 2015

Just wrapped and posted an article on apps for men but I stumbled on an app that applies perfectly for Canadians so I'll put a link for it Here.  It's an app for scanning Lotto Max and 649 tickets using your phone's camera.

July 23, 2015

I've been working hard on the website lately, writing and researching so I can try and have one new article a day.  It actually takes 2-3 days for me to make one article so I have been going hard.  Along with that I have been watching a lot of baseball, Pan Am Games and playing Fallout 1 for nostalgia.  Enough of that though, this section is for stuff going on with the website not for me to load up with minutia from my life.

I wanted to give something a little extra for my Canadian readers.  I left off a podcast from the 11 Podcasts for Men article because I wanted to be inclusive but as far as sports podcasts go Canadians should be listening to the Tim and Sid podcast.  Awesome sports podcast with a Canadian slant.

June 7, 2015

Went to an antique mall out of town and found some old campy movie posters for movies from the 60s  They are 1/4 sized reproduction posters.  Paid $10 each and then went to Walmart and bought frames for $7.  The results are outstanding for only being into each for around $20.

the man from planet x, the day the earth stood still

Couple others that I didn't buy.

Disneys silly symphony skeleton dance
Dracula's Dog

May 24, 2015

Been going hard on this website for around two months and if anyone hasn't noticed yet we have a Twitter account and an Instagram account as well.  I've posted the links here and also they are at the bottom of the main page.  If you like what you see, please follow the page and don't forget if you want to comment, or suggest something email me at:

Twitter @betomorrowsman

May 21, 2015

Went for a short hike to check out a pond.  Lots of bird life.  In the tall reeds I found a nesting pair of Canada Geese.  The female didn't move from the nest but the male starting getting very protective so I left them alone.  For those of you out hiking and you encounter a nest try not the disturb the animals, as you may endanger the animals yet to be born.

May 12, 2015

I wrote an article weeks ago about simple life hacks that take little effort but make a big difference.  You can read the article Here.  Well, I decided to upgrade the fruit bowl a notch by adding protein and snack bars.  Check it out.  Everyone should be trying this.

best fruit bowl

May 9, 2015

If you aren't ready for mother's day then read the article on the main page.  For me, I'm done.  Went a little bit outside the box.  Bought my mother potted flowers that will re-flower every spring and a small antique picture in the style she likes.  Total amount spent was $42.00.

May 5, 2015

Went to my local town hall to pay a traffic ticket and saw that they had an exhibit of WWII memorabilia from a camp that was used to train spies.