Great news gathering app. Check off your interests or put in key words and Flipboard will search the internet everyday for new articles based on those interests. Flipboard will compile those articles in a digital magazine format. You can post and view comments, go to the source website or search key words that are in the article. One of the more interesting feature is that you can compile your own magazine by saving articles to read later or if you find something on the internet that you want to read later there are ways you can same those to your magazine as well. This feature even works with youtube videos. Another feature includes joining your social media accounts and other new source accounts like online newspapers.
Paper by 53
Paper by 53 is an ingenious app that you can draw and colour pictures on your iPad. Best used with a stylus, you can pick and mix colours, used different sized pens and pencils, even a paint brush. It seems like a more sophisticated form of MS Paint. Search others peoples work and share your own. Publish straight to your social media accounts as well. There are many tutorials on the 53 website on how to produce better and more attractive work. This is also a new digital way for designers and engineers to sketch ideas on the go, save and then work on them later.
Evernote is an app that pops up on a lot of lists but it appears for a reason. It is such a useful app that if you write more than a sentence of a simple note then you should have this Evernote. Create a note, add to it, edit it, save portions of webpages, the amount of features in quite impressive. Even better, its very easy to learn and use for the average person.
Custom Soundboard and Voice Memo Recorder
Soundboard at first seems like it would just be some fun app to mess around with but in using it you will find its actually very useful. There are 48 spots in which you can record from your phone. Tap to record and tap again to stop. You can name and share your recordings as well. Record conversations or voice memos much easier and better organized than built-in phone apps.
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