Saturday, April 25, 2015

3 Small Useful Life Hacks

There are literally thousands of "Life Hacks" out there. Life hacks, for people that don't know are small changes you can make in your everyday life that can make some difficult task a little easier. Before the term life hack even existed people had their own little tricks but now with the internet you can know everyone's favourite tricks.

I have a short list of a few of the most useful ones that I use. Give them a try and in the future I may make another post with a few more. Here is my list:

Using One Grocery Bag to Carry Multiple Bags

When I am carrying grocery bags from the car into my home I take as many as I can at once. No way Im going to make another trip there and back. So, this is what I do. Take an unused grocery bag and fish it through the handholds on the other bags that are full of groceries. I've been able to do this with up to five full bags at once.

Pull the empty bag up by its ends so its nice and tight. Give it a couple twists for added strength and then loop it around your hand.

For easier carrying throw the whole bundle over your shoulder and you're done.

How to Drive and Not Spill Your Coffee

I love coffee and many times I have one while I'm driving. Sometimes its a long road trip or short trip and I just want a sip before I get to my destination. Whenever I peel back the pull tab on the top I always end up spilling a ton while I'm driving.

This is one of the simplest things to do that for some odd reason works better than you can imagine. After you peel the tab back, push it back down past the rim of the coffee cup.

That's it, be amazed at how little is spilled now, be even more amazed at why this even works.

Easily Increase Your Fruit Intake

If you are finding it hard to eat healthy, specifically more fruit then use this little trick that I have been using for a few weeks now. I have a huge plastic platter or bowl that is right beside the door. When me and the girlfriend leave in the morning each of us have to pass by it, in so doing we are reminded to grab a couple pieces of fruit to start the day off right. The sugars from fruit will release slowly in your body over time and will give you energy over a longer period with no crash.

Fill it full of your favourite fruits and they will never go bad again because you will go through it so quickly. Below is an example of what we have in our home.

So, that's it for now, I will have some more later on but try these ones out first for a bit until you are doing them regularly then I give you a few more.

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