Basic personal hygiene has come a long way, a very long way. The options available for a man as far as hygiene goes has never been better. Its gotten so vast that some men are combining products to get the best overall scent. Unfortunately, there are still man out there that do not have good personal hygiene. Maybe its not their fault. Maybe they didn't have proper guidance when they were younger. This article is for men with chronically bad hygiene or for the guy that just wants to upgrade his game a bit.
Yes, this is as basic as it gets but knowing the basics is a good thing. First, you should be showering at least every other day. If you have a hard working job full of sweat, dirt and grime, then it should be every day. Don't use a bar soap. Bacteria can still build up on bars of soap. Use a shower gel or body wash. When cleaning yourself follow this order for the cleanest results and less cross-contamination: Hair, body, armpits, crotch. Rinse well, soap needs water to work properly. Soap residue will still have dirt molecules attached to it.
After the Shower
Of course when drying yourself use the same order you did when washing yourself. Hair, body, armpits and crotch. After that put the towel on the floor and wipe your feet on it. Comb and style your hair since if you use any product your hair should be wet anyway. Next clean your ears with quality Q-Tips, one for each ear. Lastly, finish with deodorant and hopefully you are always using clean underwear at this point.
Trim Your Nails
This is one of the details that women look for on a man. Some men are very disciplined when it comes to trimming their nails. Some men will always keep them trimmed so no white is showing but its not necessary to be that strict but if they are long enough to have dirt under them then it's time to trim them.
Brush Your Teeth
According to doctors you should, ideally, be brushing your teeth after every meal since bacteria will start attacking your teeth minutes after brushing. At the very least you should be brushing once a day, preferably before bed. Spend a few extra bucks and buy yourself an electric toothbrush, they are well worth the money.
Wash Your Hands
Its amazing how many men I see use a public bathroom and not wash their hands afterwards. Its disgusting. This should be just automatically done without having to think about it but some how it isn't. Men, you should be washing your hands with soap everytime you use the bathroom. If you just went #1 then you don't need much. If you went #2, then is should be a good wash with soap. Also, before you are going to handle food, wash your hands with soap.
Final Words
Again, these are basics that every man should be doing. Its not more manly to be dirty and covered in germs and bacteria. Stay clean and you will stay healthy and keep others around you healthy too. Also, trust me when I say that this is very important when it comes to interacting with women.
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