Cyborg is set in the near future of a world ruined by economic, social collapse and a mysterious plague that has killed most of the population. A woman turned cyborg named Pearl is tasked with finding and delivering information that will lead to a cure for the plague. Unfortunately, her and her bodyguard are harassed by a gang who wants the cure for themselves.
Van Damme plays a sort of mercenary called a "slinger" named Gibson who escorts people safely around the city. Pearl and Gibson's paths cross when her bodyguard is killed by the gang and they briefly meet each other. Gibson is attacked by the gang and presumed dead and the gang takes Pearl. Gibson recovers and starts tracking the gang. During some flashbacks of Gibson's early life we are shown that he is seeking revenge against the leader of the gang named Fender. Gibson is joined along the way by a woman named Nady who wants to help when Fender and his gang wipe out her village.
Since this is an 80s Van Damme movie there is plenty of action to be had. Out of all the characters in the movie only Gibson and Fender have a gun which means there is liberal use of knives, swords and bladed weapons. Gibson plows through Fender's gang and anyone else in his way. The fight scenes are classic as you get to see all the action with wide shots and sometimes quickly repeating moves.
The final showdown between Fender and Gibson is a great fight scene that uses lots of the surrounding environment. The two fight around broken down cars abandon houses and in the middle of the pouring rain, complete with thunder and lightning. For being shot in 1989 it holds up surprisingly well with well lit scenes and steady cameras.
Cyborg is often forgotten as it was sandwiched between Bloodsport and Kickboxer which were two early successes for Van Damme. Cyborg should be given much more attention as the kick-ass Sci-fi movie that it is.
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