Thursday, December 31, 2015

15 Skills That Every Man Should Know

Know Them and Do Them Properly

There are a million different skills and other things to learn when you are a man.  Life is all about learning more but there are some skills that every man should know how to do properly.  These are things that a man will most likely be confronted with and you should want to be able to do them instead of telling someone you can't.  So, here is a basic list of 15 skills to get everyone started.

Car Care

How to Use a Manual Transmission

Manual transmissions (5 speed, stick-shift, standard) are becoming less common in cars since most manufacturers are offering automatics as standard transmissions choices.  Even so, manuals are still the preferred choice for sports cars and you will most likely run across a few manual transmissions in your life-time.  Its best to know how rather than have to tell someone you can't.

Change the Oil on Your Car

All men should have done this task at least once in their life.  Its surprisingly easy and will save you money not having to do it at a garage which could charge you up to $40.

Change a Car Tire

Its not a glamorous job but in an emergency it could save you a tow or being stranded in the middle of nowhere.  Clock-wise tightens the nut and counter clock-wise loosens it.

Jump-Start a Car

Red cable to red battery terminal, black cable to black battery terminal.  Its that easy.  Once your car is running, you can unhook the cables.  If your cars dies after unhooking the cables then you have a bad alternator, not battery.


Take a Perfect Picture

You don't want your family photo album filled with terrible pictures that are off centre or blurry.

Play Pool

There are a lot of bar games that men play but none more common than pool.  If a man could pick one game to be proficient at then it should be this.

Rules of Pool

How to Play Pool in a Bar


Basic swimming skills could save your life and is something everyone should be able to do proficiently.  Survival swimming skills are even better to know.

Swimming in a Fast Current

Know a Sport Well

Doesn't matter which sport it is but every man should have a "their" sport.  There are plenty of great ones out there.

Memorize the Phonetic Alphabet

Beat the tedious phone conversation with tech support trying to find a word that starts with "U" umbrella?

Build a Perfect Campfire

It's something about men and fire.  Men love it but not all know how to do it correctly.

How to Build a Campfire

First Aid

Treat a Burn

Could be minor or major but it will most likely happen to everyone in their lifetime.  Remember reducing the severity of a burn is about dissipating the heat as fast as possible.  Don't wait for the pain to set in.  Get it under cold water as soon as possible.  Another good trick is to have an Aloe Vera plant in your kitchen.  The liquid it produces works great for soothing a burn.

How to Treat Burns

Dress a Wound

This is always good to know for yourself or someone else if a bad cut occurs.

How to Dress a Wound

Know CPR

Watching a video isn't enough to learn CPR properly.  This should be taught to you by a professional.  Look around your local fire departments and ask where you could learn CPR or if they offer the service for free.  Local colleges should offer this as well at a nominal fee.


Throw a Punch

Knowing how to throw a punch isn't about beating people up, its about self-defence.  When defending yourself against an attacker its ok to strike them.

Break Someone's Grip

In a physical confrontation one of the first things that happens is you get grabbed.  Being able to break someone's grip a basic self-defence move that people should know.

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