Saturday, May 9, 2015

What to Do for Mother's Day

When mother's day comes around most people don't give it much thought but maybe today is the year you can change all that.  Do something different or give your mother something unique as a gift.  This article is exactly for that, maybe you men out there can get some ideas if you don't have any..

Same Old Gifts

If you are the type of man that never gets your mother anything, well, shame on you first but if you really want to get her something then you might as well go with the old standbys.  Box of chocolates. Since all women love chocolate.  Flowers. Cheap colourful available everywhere.  Spa/nail shop gift certificate.  Manicure or pedicure or both, shouldn't cost too much and it will make her feel good.

Different and Unique

If you are a man that gets the same old gift for your mother each year and you want to change it up a bit then try one of these suggestions.  Instead of a bouquet of flowers that will die in a couple weeks, try getting a plant or potted flowers that will last all year or that she can eventually plant in a garden. Ask the florist which plants will stay over winter and re-flower in the spring.

Go to an antique store and find something unique.  Antique stores shouldn't scare people too much these days.  Antique stores are now reasonably priced and they pop up a lot in the spring so you shouldn't have much difficulty finding one.  Framed art is a safe bet.

Tour a local museum or art gallery.  There are museums everywhere, some with different themes.  Maybe she wouldn't like an automotive museum, save that for father's day.  Find one that deals with yours towns local history or pottery or art.  Spring is also the time for art shows.  A gallery or show shouldn't be hard to find.

Only You Know Your Mother

These are all just suggestions to get your mind working.  You can get your mother all or none or any combination of these things.  If reading this article gave you some ideas that weren't listed than by all means get her something else.  Ultimately, you know your mother better than I do so run with your idea instead of mine.

By the way, for anyone out there reading this who doesn't have a mother in their lives than I apologize if you are having a rough day.  Do what makes you feel good today.

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