Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Party Etiquette for Men

Get-together or Party

When you reach a certain age of adulthood the way you act and the things you say at a "get together" or party becomes far more structured and ritualize.  Social morays need to be adhered to and there are rules to follow.  The consequences for not being likeable or for doing something wrong could be detrimental and long lasting, especially if its a work function.

What Do I Bring With Me?

If you are an invited guest to a birthday party for example sometimes at a certain age many people stop getting presents from their friends.  This shouldn't be the case, you should still get something, even if its just a gift card.  Always ask the host if there is anything you should bring as far as food and drinks.  If its yes in both cases then its time to buy some snacks.

The easiest option for snacks would be potato chips, pretzel or something similar.  Those are probably an option at any party but you want something a little most sophisticated.  Go to the cheese section and buy a couple small wheels of higher end cheese.  Anything sealed in wax will do the trick.  Next buy some flavoured crackers to go along with it.  Another good option that will impress are fruit and vegetable trays.

Interacting with Others

If you know everyone at the party already then you should be fine with the interaction part.  If there is someone you haven't seen or talked to in a while then its a good idea to go up to them first and say hi.  If you delay interacting with someone that you haven't seen in, lets say, years you will be making the situation more and more awkward the longer you disregard them.  Believe me when I say that if you noticed the person they have also noticed you and will be thinking the same thing.

If there is someone at the party that you haven't met before and you were never formally introduced by anyone then now is a good time to do it yourself.  Wait for a moment when they are alone or just speaking casually with somoene else.  Don't interrupt a conversation just to introduce yourself because it will break up the conversation the two people are already having.  Go up to them and say: "Hi.  I don't think we have been formally introduced, my name is ............" and then hold out your hand for a handshake.  When the person says their name say it back to them so you don't forget and then you can say something like: "Good to meet you."

What if there is someone there that you don't like and maybe the feeling is mutual?  At this point you want to wait until they are in a small group and approach the group.  Say your greetings to everyone then finally say a friendly greeting to the person you dislike.  This might be hard for some people to do depending on why you are on bad terms but it will have a two prong effect.  First, since you have greeted everyone else first they will be paying more attention to when you greet the person you dislike, showing everyone that you are "not such a bad guy after-all." Second, if this dislikeable person were to say anything bad about you people will be less apt to believe them since you have shown how nice you are.

Don't Get Drunk

Getting drunk at a nightclub used to be fun but at a social gathering you should avoid it.  People will know when you have had too much and will start to treat you differently.  Drink alcohol and have fun but no one likes a sloppy drunk unless you are surrounded by sloppy drunks.  One night of being a bad drunk can ruin relationships with people.  Have a couple drinks to loosen you up if you want but know your limits.

Don't Overstay Your Welcome

There will reach a point when the party is winding down.  Some people will have things to do in the morning or just be getting tired.  This is especially true when the host of the party is getting tired.  Don't make it uncomfortable by sticking around too long.  Say your goodbyes and leave on good terms with everyone.  Make sure you actually say bye to everyone and don't just slip out.  Also, leave anything that you have brought with you as far as food and drinks for the host to keep.

Final Words

Proper social interaction is very important these days.  It can make or break friendships and relationships.  The man of tomorrow should understand what to do and what not to do in social situations.  There is a little bit of psychology in play but also men should always be trying to understand and master themselves, their feelings and emotions.

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