Tuesday, August 25, 2015

10 Skills That Impress Women

Try and Learn at Least One

There are a lot of intangible skills that man can learn over time that woman may or may not be impressed with since every woman is different.  Confidence is one of those skills but it's hard to teach confidence.  It's also hard to teach clean humour that is actually funny, these are traits learned over time as a man develops his personality.  So what are some tangible skills that a man can go out a learn or hone to a higher degree that will impress most woman.  Bare in

mind I say most women since everyone is different and you may not find a woman impressed by any skills you possess.  This is a run-down of some skills that you can honed and learn that will help you immensely when talking to a woman.

Playing an Instrument

It has to be a "sexy" instrument like a guitar, drums or piano, nothing like a trumpet, flute or clarinet. The better you can play the better the results.  Playing something beautiful and sensual is good.  If you fancy yourself a good song writer than you can even make up your own song and incorporate the girl in it you want to impress even more.

Speaking Another Language or Having an Accent

Having an accent is such as French, German or Scandinavian is an amazing thing to possess.  Lets face it, every woman loves foreign accents, mostly European.  But if you aren't from one of those countries you have to settle for learning the language itself.  If you are a native English speaker the fastest and easiest ones to learn are French and Spanish since English borrows heavily from each one.


Lets face it, body image is very important these days, its just a fact.  Getting in better shape will always be a bonus for you with women.  In some cases though you don't have to be an Adonis to impress a woman.  If you can perform some kind of Athletic feat such as anything to do with track and field or martial arts of any kind that will work too.

Style and Grooming

This is basic human hygiene and style.  This is quite possibly the greatest turn off too women ever.  If you smell bad and look worst a woman will not even give you a chance in hell to talk to her.  Get rid of your clothes with holes and rips, look up some different outfits that are in fashion and start incorporating them on a daily basis.  Also, use some hair product, cologne, deodorant and shave.  If you are rocking the "five-o-clock" shadow look than make sure its always like that.

Sexual Skills

If it get this far after meeting a woman than congratulations but you still need to perform well.  If you flop the first time it's going to suck but you need to be able to please your woman sexually.  Find out what she is comfortable with and what she likes the best and try your best to do that.  It's not a job though so you still need to make it sensual fun and enjoyable.


This could be a topic all it's own about how to engage a woman in a stimulating and interesting conversation.  You have to be witty, smart, knowledgeable and engaging.  But you can't over due any of those things.  You can't constantly crack jokes, you can't constantly be educating the person and you can't be boring.  You need to smile and act natural.  Be interested in her and if she shows interest in something that you do or have done, tell her about it but be humble.  And for god sakes don't tell her you are uninterested in something she is talking about.

Interesting Hobbies

Eventually the conversation will turn to you so you need something that will interest her and hobbies are the key. Anything to do with art is perfect, drawing, painting, photography or sculpting.  This will give you a perfect avenue for a quasi-date later on by asking if she wants to see your art.  Manly hobbies will also do the trick such as metal working, paint-ball, hiking or camping.


You don't have to overdo it since we aren't in the 1800's but women like a man that is respectful to them.  Open a door for them, get their coat if you can, say please and thank you.  Ask if they want something if you are going somewhere.  If you are going to a coffee shop or the store, ask if she wants something.  You could also carry bags or heavy items.  I'm sure there are plenty of things you could do.


It may sound "unmanly" but cooking has become one of those essential skills that men should be able to master.  Get an app for your phone or look up some techniques on the internet and start experimenting.  If you get tired of going out for dinner and you want a romantic night in than ask your lady what her favourite meal is and make it.  You can even use it as something to do together as an activity.


There are many opportunities that knowing how to dance comes in handy and as a man you will have to do it at some point in your life.  It's far better to not look ungainly on the dance floor in front of women. If you can learn some other more sultry dance, that's even better.  There is a reason Dancing with the Stars is hugely popular among women.

Final Words

If you really think you cant do any of these things and you have no interest at all in learning them, then find something else.  Ask a female fiend if there is an easier skill you could learn instead. Women will give you the best answers.

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