In Conversation
It's Not a Competition
When talking to someone don't try and "one up" the other person. If the person has accomplished something that they are proud of or something great has happened to them. Don't try and one up them by coming up with something better. Congratulate the person or show interest instead. One upping the person is an insult and it will stop the person from talking further about their accomplishment. If you really want to tell a related story then politely say, "That reminds me of something else that happened to me."
Don't Over-correct
For anyone that don't know what semantics are, it has a wide range of meanings depending on what context the word is used. In Psychology and in conversing with others it is often used to describe small technical differences in a larger concept that don't tend to change the overriding concept and therefore are not necessary for people to understand it better.
Correcting people that may have the wrong facts in a discussion is very common. An example of this could be the spelling of a word or an important date. When it starts to have a negative effect is when the fact is so small and insignificant as to be unimportant, for example correcting someone on the specific shade of a colour, "It's more Moss Green than Forest Green." is completely unnecessary and will only insult the person.
In Demeanour
Stay Positive
Don't seem like you are constantly depressed. Try and steer conversations away from negative topics, especially if they involve you. Felling depressed sometimes is natural but you cant be so depressed as to bring down the positive attitudes of those around you.
Talk about positive things that are happening to you or in the world. Try and talk to people that are talking to you. Try and smile and laugh while talking. Nobody wants to talk to someone who is always depressed.
Appear Open
People can tell when someone is having a bad day and doesn't want to be talked to. Again, this happens to everyone at some point but you cant allow this to define you. You want to appear approachable, friendly and open. If you appear angry with folded arms, no one will want to approach you.
Keep your head up, smile and if someone approaches you keep eye contact while talking. Keep your hands relaxed and be interested in what people are saying.
Other Intangibles
Be Hygienic - Smell good, groom yourself and wear clean clothes.
Ask Questions - Instead of talking about yourself ask questions of others
Be Humble - Admit when you are wrong. Don't dig in your heels
Solve Problems - If you can provide an solution to a problem then do it
Final Words
Honestly, there are probably hundreds of different things you can do or change that will make you more likeable I just wanted to cover a few major points. This article is meant to get people started with a few tips. Everyone is at different levels as far as interacting with people so you may only need a couple of these techniques or you may need them all. Remember, this shouldn't change who you are as a person, be yourself, be genuine. If you are trying to put on a façade people will notice that and see that you are not consistent.
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